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Sewer Scopes: Looking Below So You Can Know

The  sewer line: a place most homeowners don’t think about until something goes wrong. When an issue with the sewer pops up it can quickly become a mess you don’t want to deal with! A sewer scope inspection is a great way to find out the condition of the sewer line and see any potential issues before they back up – and is a crucial aspect of home inspections that many homeowners overlook. Whether you’re a first-time home-buyer or a seasoned homeowner, understanding the importance of sewer scopes can save you from potential headaches down the line (no pun intended).

Specialized equipment is used to access and assess the sewer line beneath a home.

A  sewer scope is a specialized inspection that involves inserting a small camera into the main sewer line of a property. This camera captures real-time color video and photos, allowing specially trained inspectors to identify the sewer line materials and assess the current  condition – discovering potential issues that would go unseen in this hard-to-reach place. The sewer line is a critical component of your  home’s construction, responsible for carrying waste away from your property.

An image of the main lateral sewer line captured during the sewer scope.

You may be wondering what sorts of things can happen to  this line. Over time, these lines can deteriorate, get damaged, or  become clogged, leading to a host of problems such as:

Blockages:  Accumulation of debris, grease, or invasive tree roots can obstruct the sewer line, causing backups and potential damage. Depending on the material, the sewer line can degrade over time and leave deposits within the line that can cause blockages.

Structural Damage:  Shifting soil or invasive tree roots can cause damage and even compromise the structural integrity of the sewer line. Certain sewer line materials can become weaker as they age, in some cases eventually needing replacement because they become compromised.

Cracks and Leaks: Aging or damaged pipes may develop cracks or leaks, allowing sewage to escape and pose serious health hazards.

A specially trained Protect Property Inspector performing a sewer scope.

To  find out if these issues are present at a home, specially trained  Protect Property Inspectors use state-of-the-art cameras to navigate through the sewer line, capturing detailed footage of its interior. They then analyze the video, documenting the details of the sewer line and any issues or concerns they observe which are compiled into a report for  you. The report will include comments, the scope video, and often still  photos of different parts of the sewer line.

There are several benefits to getting a sewer scope inspection – most importantly, being proactive and identifying issues early can prevent costly repairs or replacements down the line. You will also find peace of mind knowing the condition of your sewer line, especially when making significant property investments. This makes a sewer scope inspection a valuable investment for homeowners. It’s a proactive step that can save you from potential disasters and costly repairs.

Protect Property Inspections prioritizes your safety and peace of mind in every part of our inspection process – when you choose to add a sewer scope to your home inspection, it is a great way to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your home’s sewer system. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a sewer scope inspection in your home, feel free to reach out to us. We inspect to protect your biggest investment!

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